How would you spend your last day on earth?

In the short story "The Last Leaf", Behrman painted the leaf on the vine for Johnsy. I think it was ironic that Behrman died when the last leaf fell, while Johnsy had been saying she would die. Why do you think Johnsy kept saying that?
At the end of "The Cellmate", Llloyd dies and Andy takes care of his horse. Why do you think Andy would do that? He barely knew Lloyd and he wasn't even that interested in horses.
I chose this article because it was very realistic. It wasn't just oh I would do this and that, but the writer gave an example from real life, her life. What examples do you have? Have you ever experienced something like this, where someone you cared about did or didn't have a chance to express themselves before their last day?
I really love this song; it has so much meaning. It was also the song that inspired me to choose this theme. What do you think about this verse? Why do you think he's saying that we shouldn't take the free ride in our own life?
It was very difficult to find images that suited my theme. So I chose images that would represent what I would do on my last day. Do you think the images suited my theme? What would you have put?
This official video for the song If Today Was Your Last Day, is definitely one of the best videos I've ever watched. What do you think about the video? Would you have done the things the people in the video did?
In this poem, I really liked the ending. Would you live it the same or would you live it to the fullest, if today was your last day? What would you do? Would you be happy to end your last day casually, like every other day, or would you want to do something you've never done before?
This poem was really touching in my opinion. It really made me think about the people I have yet to forgive, or the people that have yet to forgive me. Do you think you would spend your last day forgiving others? Why don't you forgive them now, and spend that last day, when it comes, together?
In the first verse of this poem, it asks if you would say sorry to the friends you've hurt, or if you would give thanks to the friends who took care of you. If you only had limited time, which one would you choose to do?


    Hi, I'm Ella and I hope you enjoy my webpage about If Today Was Your Last Day. I worked hard on it, and did my best, be sure to leave a comment!
    -Thanks :)


    January 2011



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